Top Ten Pain Points for Mobile Operators


Mobile  Telecommunications has come to stay, its now part of our everyday lives. Its hard to imagine the world without mobile phones. The ease of communication  has changed and is still changing the entire way we do things but despite these good times, Service Providers still have pains in bringing this ‘present day miracle’ to its subscribers. In this article, I discuss the top ten pain points of Mobile Operators in these interesting times…. Enjoy

  1. OPEX IS LARGE AND KEEPS RISING – Rising data traffic and increasing network complexity is making Operators Opex to continually rise. It is very imperative for Operators/IT Organizations to search for new business models and cost structures o remain competitive while surviving ongoing budget cuts. Operators are typically outsourcing specific functions or scopes of work, up to complete operations. Outsourcing contracts can create stability and predictability in your budgeting process..


  1. MANAGING THE NETWORK IS TAKING FOCUS AWAY FROM GROWING THE BUSINESS -Operating a network has traditionally been a source of differentiation . Increasingly, this is no longer true. Many businesses would rather concentrate on their core competencies, such as developing customer relations and new service opportunities, instead of operating a network that supports their business. Replacing that headcount with sales or marketing personnel that can grow the business to better ensure that you meet your target sales and profit goals.
  2. LOW CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – With the ever increasing customer needs due to new products and services, coupled with the continued increase in subscriber base; keeping the customer satisfied all the time is becoming herculean. Outstanding customer service, trouble-free network operations and flawless delivery of promised services are key competitive advantages for Operators and drive customer satisfaction. Customers will stay satisfied with the latest applications & services at their fingertips in combination with network uptime.
  3. NETWORK IS NOT FUTURE PROOF – The Technology Transformation to 3G, 4G, WIMAX, LTE et al has made networks evolve totally. The investments made today are no guarantees for continuous patronage. Its is advised that Operators should lower their barrier to new service markets while limiting upfront investment to implement, operate and maintain their networks.  Also Vendors and Partners who can provide turnkey services ranging from application support yo network design implementation and support will provide the peace of mind and an assured future.
  4. NETWORK UPGRADES DISRUPT CUSTOMERS – Managing multiple vendors through network expansion and convergence can be a large management problem. Its best if these upgrades/swapouts can be achieved in ways that the end users are not impacted.
  5. LACK OF WORLD CLASS OPERATION TOOLS, PROCESSES AND PEOPLE – Having the latest system tools, latest upgrades and most latest training is somewhat impossible.  At best Operators just ensure high performance on their network by having functional fundamental tools such as Trouble Ticketing Systems, Performance Management, Workforce management just to mention a few.
  6. THE NETWORKS DO NOT RUN EFFICIENTLY – The truth is that Operators are having a hard time running effectively. With the continuous dependence on Generators, lack of adequate security, high personnel mobility, incessant change in policies, Multiple taxation etc Operators are having a hard time running at the efficiency they desire.
  7. NETWORKS IS NOT SECURE – Mobile Networks are anything but secure. In October 2010, Verizon Wireless paid over $70m to the US Government and customers for billing errors. This is one out of many errors being made by Operators in recent times. In as much as there has not been any proven cases of network infrastructure tampering, the possibility grows stronger by the day, given the steady march of mobile Internet.
  8. NO DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN – Many Operators do not have a reliable back-up solution or Disaster Recovery plan. Furthermore, most Disaster Recovery Plans are complex and are costly to implement. Backing up your network infrastructure with a customized DR plan is a very smart alternative.
  9. NO REGULATORY AND COMPLIANCE SUPPORT – Regulators  are known for their incessant change in policies and lacking in the right regulatory framework for world-class practices. Complying with them all is very difficult. It is advised that however painful or hard it seems, its still best to comply and then complaints can be made using the appropriate medium.


Major excerpts culled from article by Aviat Networks on Top Ten Pain Points of Operating Network; Article on Growing security crisis for mobile networks and Wikipedia articles on Verizon Wireless.


The information contained in this publication is only intended as a general review of the subject concerned and should not be treated as a substitute for specific advice concerning specific situations.

If you need further information about any issue discussed above,

please contact Ademola Alade at


N6/811 Oyo Road, Opp UI Main Gate, Ibadan

Phone: +234-1-8221835

